In order to clearly demonstrate the superior qualities of X-REV as an engine lubricant, Xtreme Lubricants Lab subjected Xrev to 5 evidentiary tests. All of these tests were witnessed and verified by the editorial team of WHEELS Asia and Hotstuff Magazines:

1. Review by Hotstuff

2. Wheels Asia Motoring Supplement

3. Customer Feedback on No Oil Drive

4. Racing 5W-30 Review

5. Racing 5W-40 Euro Formula Review

6. Racing 15W-50 Review

7. Track 50 – HotStuff Review

8. Track 50  Wheels Review 

Test A – Progressive Load Bearing Lubricity Test

X-REV provides at least 3-4x the lubricity of the other leading fully synthetic engine oil. In other words, it eliminates friction better by more than 3-4x.

Test B – No-Oil Run Test

A test car treated with X-REV is operated and driven around without any lubricant in the engine! The engine even starts at the first turn of the ignition key the next morning, still without any lubricant in th engine!

Test C – Dyno Test

Xrev Racing formula was tested against a leading brand of fully synthetic oil. The analysis showed a 20Nm increase in torque (18%) and a 6Hp improvement in horsepower (7%) with a simple oil change.

Dyno Test

Test D – Used Oil Analysis

A used oil sample analysis was conducted on Xrev Racing Formula after some hard driving in a Honda Accord Euro R over 10,000km. The result showed low wear and tear, with a total absence of any wear on the bearings and piston. This clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of Xrev’s proprietary Anti-Friction Engine Treatment Formula.

Used Oil Analysis

Test E – Sound Test

A sound test was conducted using the Cirrus Impulse Averaging Sound meter on a Toyota Corolla. The results clearly demonstrates a reduction of an average of 5% in engine sound levels inside the car after using Xrev.

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